The Unique Spotted Lake in Canada
Have you ever been to a unique place that you have never imagined that it existed before? If you have not, then you definitely have to go to Canada and visit Spotted Lake there. To be specific, it is located in northwest of Osoyoos. More specifically, it is in the eastern Similkameen Valley of British Columbia. It is a lake of saline endorheic alkali. It consists of many kinds of minerals. There are magnesium sulfate deposits, calcium deposits, and sulphates deposits. If you search for the picture in the internet, you will be able to see some spots in the lake. Those spots appear because in the summer, the water in the lake evaporates and it reveals mineral deposits that are colorful.
In World War I, people used the minerals in the Spotted Lake the manufacture ammunition. However, nowadays, there are so many visitors who come to the Lake to heal some diseases because that is what the local people believe. It is said that it has some kind of power to heal people.
Things You Can Do in Spotted Lake
If you plan to go somewhere to refresh your mind, you need to know all the information about the location, what you need to prepare, what you will do there, how to get there, etc. So, here is the information about what you can do once you get there. You have to know this because you need to do some preparation before going. First of all, you of course need to see the Spotted Lake closely. You will be able to see the lake from a near distance and see the spots clearly.
Actually, there are some fun things you can do after you see the Spotted Lake. In Osoyoos, there is an area that is known as a place that has magnificent cherries. People say that it is the best in North America. You might be able to get it from farmers who sell them along the streets, but I think you can try something new such as picking the cherries from the trees yourself. There is a place where you can do that, so what you need to do is to check the address and all the things before going.
For those who love adventure, they can try horse riding in the desert. It is the most popular thing to do on Lake Osoyoos. You will be able to ride the horse for about an hour and go around through the desert and also the pine forest. It is of course very fun. One thing you cannot forget to do is take pictures because there will be nothing left except pictures after you go back from Osoyoos.
If you bring your children over, you can bring them to the family amusement park named Rattlesnake Canyon. Children might be too young to realize how amazing the Spotted Lake is, but they will be doing a good job when it comes to having fun with some rides in the Rattlesnake Canyon family amusement park.