Travel QuestionsCategory: QuestionsWhat is Zaalouk made of?
Liwsa asked 1 year ago

What is Zaalouk made of?

1 Answers
khalid Staff answered 1 year ago

What is Zaalouk made of?

Zaalouk is a wonderfully flavorful dish from Morocco that celebrates the deliciousness of eggplant and tomatoes. To make it, you'd start by cooking chopped or mashed eggplant with ripe, juicy tomatoes, infusing them with the rich, aromatic blend of garlic, olive oil, and an array of spices like cumin, paprika, and sometimes a hint of chili pepper for that extra kick. The result is this tantalizing mixture that's both savory and slightly tangy. It's often served as a delightful side dish or a refreshing salad, topped with a sprinkle of fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley to add a burst of freshness to each bite.

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