Travel QuestionsCategory: QuestionsWhat is the love of cheese called?
Naimi asked 1 year ago

What is the love of cheese called?

2 Answers
khalid Staff answered 1 year ago

What is the love of cheese called?

It's not just a fondness; it's practically a passion or an obsession for some. People who adore cheese might call it their "cheese obsession" or simply their "love affair with cheese." There's something magical about that creamy, tangy, or nutty goodness that just captures the heart and taste buds of cheese enthusiasts everywhere!

Kerri Staff answered 1 year ago

What is the love of cheese called?

A person who loves cheese is called a "turophile (TOOR-uh-fyle) ." Turophile was first named after cheese lovers as early as 1938.

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