Travel QuestionsCategory: BelgiumWhat is the cheapest way to travel in Belgium?
Kat asked 1 year ago

Hey there! I'm in the midst of planning my Belgian adventure and looking to explore on a budget. I'd love to know your thoughts on the most economical ways to travel around Belgium. Any insider tips or cost-effective modes of transportation that you'd recommend? Trying to make the most of my trip without breaking the bank. Thanks a bunch for your helpful suggestions!

1 Answers
Best Answer
khalid Staff answered 1 year ago

What is the cheapest way to travel in Belgium?

Hi there!

Belgium is a fantastic place for savvy travelers seeking budget-friendly adventures. When it comes to getting around economically, trains are a top choice between cities. Opting for a rail pass can be a smart move, especially if you're planning to explore various destinations across the country. Another gem to consider is city cards—like the Ghent city card—these not only offer discounts on transport but also grant reduced rates to attractions. It's a perfect money-saving option while discovering new places!

Oh, and speaking of saving money, while you're in Belgium, make sure to treat yourself to the local delights like waffles, chocolates, and those irresistible fries. They're not only delicious but also kind on your wallet! Enjoy your travels and savor every moment of your Belgian adventure!


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