Travel QuestionsCategory: MoroccoDo you have to wear a hijab in Morocco?
salin123 asked 2 years ago

The easy answer to these questions is no, you are not required to wear a hijab in Morocco if you don't want to. So you don't have to cover your hair or face. There are some religious sites that advise travelers to wear a headscarf, but in most cases, it remains a personal choice. It is recommended to bring your own scarf if you want to visit the religious building.

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What do you think? Do you have to wear a hijab in Morocco?

1 Answers
khalid Staff answered 2 years ago

Should you wear a hijab in Morocco?

You are not required to wear a suit, although the locals always like to see it. As for covering your head called hijab or burqa, it is not mandatory in public places if you want.

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