Travel QuestionsCategory: MoroccoCan I rent a 4×4 car or camper near Ceuta (Tengier, Fez)?
khalid Staff asked 1 year ago

We received this question today and decided to answer it here. Yes, you can rent a 4x4 car or camper in Tangier or Fes. These locations are popular tourist destinations and our partner Car Rahti rental company offers different types of vehicles including 4x4 cars and regular cars. If it is a transfer or tour, please contact Omar via

WhatsApp: + 212 6 17 77 78 00 or via the contact form.

2 Answers
Kerri Staff answered 1 year ago

Can I rent a 4×4 car or camper near Ceuta (Tengier, Fez)?

Thanks for sharing this information! I'll keep it in mind when I need it

Nienke answered 1 year ago

Hello, I would like to rent a small camper from Fez, 30/12 - 03/01. I read that it might be possible, but don’t know the way to book. Maybe you can help me?

Greetings from the Netherlands, Nienke

khalid Staff replied 1 year ago

Hallo Nienke, Ik hoop dat alles met je goed gaat. Kun je ons een e-mail sturen? Bedankt

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