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Travel QuestionsCategory: Belgium
What is Brussels best known for?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • 
1037 views1 answers1 votes
What is the national sport in Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • 
1071 views1 answers1 votes
What is the motto of Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • 
986 views1 answers1 votes
What is the best Belgium chocolate?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • 
1032 views1 answers1 votes
Do you tip taxi in Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • 
1030 views1 answers1 votes
What is the flower of Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • ,
1041 views1 answers1 votes
What time is dinner in Brussels?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • 
1062 views1 answers1 votes
What is a typical Belgian breakfast?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 9 months ago • ,
1427 views1 answers1 votes