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Travel QuestionsCategory: Belgium
Are public toilets free in Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • 
1030 views1 answers1 votes
Who is the best friend of Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • 
998 views1 answers1 votes
What is the main dish in Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • 
1004 views1 answers1 votes
What is the rainiest month in Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • 
1015 views1 answers1 votes
What is the cheapest way to travel in Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • 
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Who is the most famous person from Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • 
1013 views1 answers1 votes
Are roads free in Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • ,
995 views1 answers1 votes
What is the nickname of Belgium?
AnsweredAvatar of khalidkhalid answered 8 months ago • 
1054 views1 answers1 votes