The choice to travel is one of the likes of almost all travelers. But, he or she is also accountable for his or her personal safety while travelling overseas. As per the main purpose of this Tourism Morocco Safety advice is to give you an update to the details for you to be able to make well-informed choices.


At the present time, there is not yet any warning prior to the terrorism in the place. And, previous assault has targeted both immigrants and new comers. Thus, there is a need to pay attention to the local news and avoid demonstrations. Better yet, follow all of the suggestions made by local police and authorities.


When you are going to the borders and the most southern part of Morocco, being extra cautious is as well essential.


These are usually common involving violent people. These also usually take place during the weekends and even during Friday afternoons. These can also result in the most significant disruptions to public transportation. Avoid all those big gatherings and demonstrations. Instead, follow the suggestions of the police officials and media.

Women’s Security

Women and those who are travelling alone are often subjected to different types of harassments and verbal abuse. Thus, there is a need to visit authorities or read on some publications for travel security information.


Small crimes such as purse snatchings, pickpocketing, scam and thefts, actually does not happen very often. Theft may happen around markets. In fact, panhandling is becoming more common. And, a number of panhandles also tend to become more violent towards other tourists. All of your things should be safe. And, never show some signs that you are rich.

Don’t accept drink, food and invitations from unfamiliar person in the big cities. And, do not change the planned routine. Even though Moroccans are hospitable and friendly, you should still follow some travel safety tips.


The conditions of the road differ according to the weather types and location. National roads are also usually in good state. But, they are heavily congested.

These roads are known for an extremely high traffic mortality rate. In spite of police enforcement, the traffic regulation is not respected by some drivers. Animals, scooters and pedestrians on the roadways can also pose some threat. Be aware when you are driving at night.

If mishaps take place, ensure for your personal security. Always carry your ID and car documents every time you drive. This is simply because police checkpoints are always common. Be extra careful of driving in the Casablanca road and on other national roads due to some heavy traffic. Accidents are always associated to poor driving that lead to numerous deaths and injuries.

Emergency telephone numbers

  • 150 Medical and Fire Rescue.
  •  190 city police
  • 177  royal gendarmerie

With this Tourism Morocco Safety advice, it will help you to get a memorable and enjoyable trip to Morocco!


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