Travel QuestionsCategory: QuestionsAre Drones Illegal in Morocco?
Bilot asked 8 months ago

Hi, I'm planning a trip to Marrakech and looking forward to capturing some amazing photos and videos. However, I'm wondering, are drones legal in Morocco? Thanks!

3 Answers
khalid Staff answered 6 months ago

Are Drones Illegal in Morocco?

Hi there!

In Morocco, private drone use is banned, and importing drones is not allowed due to security concerns. If you’re a professional photographer, you should declare your drone at the airport. The staff can guide you on how to obtain the necessary permit. If caught without proper authorization, your drone could be confiscated and you might face a fine of 1,165 Dirhams (around 110 euros). For the smoothest experience, it’s best to get a permit.

Enjoy your trip to Marrakech and happy shooting!


Best Answer
Amine answered 6 months ago

Are drones legal in Morocco?

Hi! Drones are generally illegal in Morocco to protect citizens’ safety, privacy, and national security. If you bring one into the country, be sure to declare it at customs to avoid any issues. You’ll need special permission from the Moroccan Civil Aviation Authority (ONDA) and the Moroccan National Agency of Frequency. So no, you can't randomly take out your drone during your trip and start filming. If you do, you risk losing the drone, or worse, getting arrested. It’s usually best to leave your drone at home.

Imane answered 6 months ago

Are drones legal in Morocco?

Hi ,

Companies in the country can use drones for purposes like filmmaking and agriculture, but they must obtain a special permit first. While private use of drones is allowed with a permit, it is strictly prohibited without one.



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